Sunday, 12 June 2016

Gregorio Paniagua/ Atrium Musicae

I came across Gregorio Paniagua and Atrium Musicae, because of the Cantigas de Santa Maria performed by Musicae Antigue under the leadership of Eduardo Paniagua. (see other posts)

Atrium Musicae was founded in 1964 and they were four brothers (Gregorio (1944) Eduardo, Carlos and Luis Paniagua and then Beatriz Amo, Christina Ubeda and Jesus Greus. other memembers were Pablo Cano and some others.

I found one video of 1977

The first recordings were the following ,which were later become known under the Colleccion de Musica Antigua Espanola, 5 cds all produced by Robert Pla.
1968  Cantigas de Santa Maria, El Sabio
1968  Musica en Catalonia XIV siglo

On this recording were playing;Marcel Moreiras, Christine Garcia, Mariano Martin, Eugenio Urbina, Javier Coello and then Gregorio, Eduardo, Carlos and Carmen (sister?) Paniagua.

1969 Monodia Cortesana Medieval /Musica Arabigo Andaluza

1970 Codex Huelgas

1971 Missa Barcelona (not part of the 5 cd's)




Pablo Cano, Beatriz Amo, Christina Ubeda  and Gregorio, Eduardo , Luis and Carlos Paniagua



1978 Codex Gluteo

Begona Olavide seems to have replaced Christine Ubeda on this album

1980 LA SPAGNA -XV-XVI-XVII Centuries 

With Christine Ubeda again, but also with Jacob du -ran-Loriga  and Rosalia Peraita and Maximo Paradera and then only Gregorio and Eduardo

1980 Batiscafo

 1981 with Lucia Bose ;lo Pomodoro

1981 los indias des espana


With Daniel Del Rio, Andre Prittwitz and Albertina Do Huette and then Gregorio, Luis and Eduardo Paniagua

 Spectacles  for tribuffalos

Friday, 27 May 2016

Master of Taull

San Climent de Taull

This video is extremely interesting as it also show what most likely it did look when it was complete

The next video is more or less the same as the first link I gave you.

The next video is from the Catalonian Museum in Barcelone and in English

Santa Maria de Taull

The next video is also from the Catalonian Museoum in Barcelona

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Cantor de Silos; Antionario Mozarabe de Silos

This CD is one of the 5 CDs where old spanish music is explored. On the first four CD Atrium Musicae is  involved under the direction of Gregorio Paniagua (the brother of Eduardo Paniagua) 
his album with the works of the Codex Calixtinus (based on the version used in Silos) and the Antofonaria Mozarabe, the producer  Roborto Pla uses the Cantor of Silos and they are singing full of devotion and it does not sound heavy. The Antifonria Mozarabe is absolutely wonderful and unique. Although the various elements (5 pieces) are sounding a bit repetitive, because they have similarities.

The brother Eduardo Panaigua became very famous because he later produced and recorded all the Cantigas de Santa Maria, (and they are wonderful ) but also he recorded more Visigotic-Mozarabe pieces, which you find on one of my posts; He also uses a light voice  for singing these wonderful pieces.

Eduardo Paniagua; Canto Visigotico-Mozarabe

I came to Eduardo Paniaua, because I was interested in the background of the Romanesque art in and around Catalonia and came to this beautiful RECORDING.

track 2 Surgam et Ibo

One of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard and a wonderful voice on top!
track 7; Oracion de Jeremias; Short version 2.17 min, but very good video

track 7; Oracion de Jeremias; Full version

Ensemble Organum; Codex Calixtinus

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Schola Antiqua; Chant et Misa Mozarabe

Schola Antiqua

1 Misa Mozarabe

Rita Imiciales
Prælegendum Libera nos, Filius Dei, Salvator noster, 

Misa Mozárabe - Liturgia de la Palabra (Psallendum)  Haec est dies

2 Chant Mozarabe

1 Ordo in finem hominis diei 
Preces; Miserere, miserere

  Antiphon; Educ Domine

Antiphon; Aperiat tiri

Antiphon:Terra, terra

Anthiphone;  Sinite parvulos 

2 Cantica Ex Missa Mozarabica

Ante missam ;Per gloriam 

3 Ex Officium Defunctorium 

Responsorium; Surgam et ibo

4 Liturgia de la Consagración del Altar

(Rito Visigótico)

Corpora sanctorum 

Unxit te Dominus 

Induit te Dominus

Liturgia de la consagración de la Iglesia

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Romanesque Art 6a; St Lizier

Here some photos from the capitols in where animals were depicted. And I went clock wise around starting  once you come form the church.

No 3 north

No 4 west

No10 west

No 10 north

No 16 north;Daniel and the lions


No 18  north: 

No 18;north;Daniel and the two lions

No 19 North

No 19 Close up

No 19 West 

No 15 West

These are frescoes from the chapel right of the main cupola;
 I cannot understand why they are not well known ; they are rather beautiful.
right side and top 


right side again

Left side and top

right side

right side; top right


top left

top left right side

right side;t op left

right side top middle

Next we took some photos form small sculptures at the bottom of the pillars at the back of the church; they are cute

green man

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Romanesque Art History; From Visigoths to Romanesque

As guideline I took


Paleo Chrisian

a) Paleo Christian Basilica at Empuries
b)   ,,,,                 ,,,,,           at Centelles (a few km west of Tarragona)

See original image

Conjunt tardoromà de Centcelles / ©MNAT

c) Villa Fortunatus at Fraga (Aragon)  +Basilica with small cript;
Mosaic of Chi -Rho

d) Sacrophagi  at the necropolis of Girona, Tarragona and Barcelona.
Example Sant Feliu, Girona Chaste Susanne

e) Tombstone in former synagogue Toledo now El Transito
with Candelabra, palms and name Mixal (St Michael?)


Toulouse 416
After 507 Toledo

Arian Chrsitians

Main form Basilica with cruciform plan.

a) Sao Giao de Nazere ,Portugal north of Lisbon

Iglesia de São Gião de Nazaré (Portugal)
Sao Giao de Nazere
Sao Giao de Nazere

See original image
Sao Giao de Nazere

Division between sanctuary and public space; cancel screens.
See Museum Lapidaire St Guilhem le Desert
Also in two basilicas San Clemente and Santa Sabina

b) Visigoth church Santa Cruz in Barcelona
now Musea d'Historia de la Ciutat

c) San Juan de Banos, Palencia, Spain

San Juan de Baños.jpg
San Juan de Banos

San Juan de Banos
d) Santa Maria de Melque, near Toledo

Image result for Santa Maria de Melque,

Image result for Santa Maria de Melque,

e) Santa Maria de Quintanilla de las Vinas, near Burgos (690AD)

Image result for Santa Maria de Quintanilla de las Vinas,
Santa Maria de Quintanilla 

Image result for Santa Maria de Quintanilla de las Vinas,
Santa Maria de Quintanilla 

Image result for Santa Maria de Quintanilla de las Vinas,
Santa Maria de Quintanilla 

Image result for Santa Maria de Quintanilla de las Vinas,
Santa Maria de Quintanilla (Xth Century)

Image result for Santa Maria de Quintanilla de las Vinas,
Santa Maria de Quintanilla (Xth Century)

See original image
Santa Maria de Quintanilla 

Image result for Santa Maria de Quintanilla de las Vinas,
Santa Maria de Quintanilla 

Image result for Santa Maria de Quintanilla de las Vinas,

f) San Pedro de la Nave near Zamora


Image result for San Pedro de la Nave near Zamora  Image result for San Pedro de la Nave near Zamora

Image result for San Pedro de la Nave near Zamora   Image result for San Pedro de la Nave near Zamora

 Image result for San Pedro de la Nave near Zamora

Image result for San Pedro de la Nave near Zamora

g) Terassa three monuments

1) Santa Maria;church

Image result for santa maria terrassa
Santa Maria
Image result for santa maria terrassa mosaic
Santa Maria; Mosaic

Sant Miquel; former Baptistery

Image result for sant miquel terrassa
Sant Miquel

See original image
Sant Miquel

Image result for sant miquel terrassa
Sant Miquel;Crypt

3 Sant Pere; funeral chapel then parish church

Image result for sant pere terrassa
Sant Pere

See original image
Sant Pere